13 Funny Book Warnings for Book Lovers

13 Funny Book Warnings for Book Lovers

Did you know reading books can be dangerous? I hope you enjoy these funny book warnings for book lovers memes as much as I enjoy creating them. Feel free to share them on social media!

1. Because we all know how much attention we pay to everything around us when we’re reading.

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #1


2. How many times have you not slept because of a book? Which one?

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #2


3. In some novels you’re so worried about the characters that you may lose all your nails.

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #3


4. Sometimes it’s more funny watching people read than watching television.

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #4


5. I like this kind of antisocial behavior!

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #5


6. Of all my funny book warnings for book lovers, this picture makes me feel warm and happy. I admit to drinking copious amounts of hot chocolate and marshmallows while reading. What do you drink?

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #6


7. What is my favorite character doing. Nooooooo! (I promise, sometimes we authors have just as little control as the readers.)

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #7


8. Many of us wouldn’t mind this!

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #8


8. Which one should I get? I can only take three per author . . .

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #9


10. Yay! Enough said.

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #10


11. Been there, done that. Have you?

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #11


12. That’s right. Go reading!

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #12


13. Which book made you feel like flying?

Teyla Rachel Branton's Book Warning #13


Hope you enjoyed my funny book warnings for book lovers. More coming soon! I would love to hear your comments, and if you have any ideas for more warning, let me know below. If you make a suggestion, I’ll understand that you’re happy to have me use it for future memes.

Have a great day!

Teyla Rachel Branton



Copyright 2017 Teyla Rachel Branton

Reuse notice: you are free to print or use any of these memes on social media as long as you keep the TeylaBranton.com on each. Have fun! Please do not repost 13 Funny Book Warnings for Book Lovers in it’s entirety on your own blog. However, you may post individual memes as a part of your news post with a link back here. Thank you for caring about copyright.

8 Responses to “13 Funny Book Warnings for Book Lovers”

  1. doris Mahala

    I am afraid to admit to this Teyla but this is the norm in our house except for my husband who is a movie watcher.
    I gave up tv way before Covid era of our wonderful country.
    I gave up tv even before President Trump took the oath for office. The reason I gave up tv before President Trump took oath was because of the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. That is one person I am very happy to know that is no longer in office. I just hope that the current condition of our country will be resolved with a change of the watch.
    Now, back to the meme’s, I really do not know which came first for me when I was in the fourth grade which by the way was a very long time ago.
    Let me see a person would be approx. the age of 10 so that would mean to make it 56 years ago I became a book worm and now that we have ebooks I read/listen while doing other things like trying to talk to my husband, talk on the phone, keyboard and listen all at the same time.
    Guess what? It is impossible to do all of the above unless you cancel everything out except the book. lol
    Your memes are right on the spot!

    • Teyla Rachel Branton

      Lol. It is really hard to enjoy a book and do something else at the same time! Properly reading or listening to a book means we have to fall into it, lol. I sometimes try to listen as I go to sleep. Can’t tell you how many times I keep having to go backwards the next day because I snoozed!

      • Salustra Wallace

        Your books always cause a lack of sleep lol. In fact having to take a nap right now after reading Never Let Go straight through! My first loves were stuffed animals, books, drawing as a small child and they still are though books seem to take up a huge but necessary chunk of my time! I love to read with a nice stuffed critter as a book/kindle rest. Was glad to get kindle app on iPhone as now never without a book wherever I am.

        • Teyla Rachel Branton

          Ah, thank you for the kind comments. Love the idea of you reading with the Kindle on a stuffed animal, lol! Thanks for posting!

  2. MaryEllen Cox

    I’m our case I’m sure which came first–the reading or the anti-social behavior!
    House full of readers, only hubby is an extrovert. The rest of us even hide from each other if it means reading undisturbed. 🙂

    • Teyla Rachel Branton

      Haha! Good point! I think you might have something with this logic. Sometimes we’re all sitting around in the same room reading. No discussion, just laughing or page turning.

  3. Tara Schantz

    Lol number 7… so me! Also…(I know for me anyway) reading may cause sudden outbursts! I will be reading and all of a sudden yell out “are you freakin’ kidding me?” My hubby will say “what’s wrong? Oh your reading again” Or reading may cause mood swings. When I read a great book, I can lol..cry…get angry…and have that WTF moment all in the span of a chapter or two, it makes me feel like wow that was awesome!

    • Teyla Rachel Branton

      I LOVE these, Tara. Yes! That is so true. You have me laughing at this.


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